Every person should learn 5 languages.
1- Matrri bhasa , the language your mother and close relationships use, language in which u start talking to humans (Tulu). Mata Shakti is presiding here and it’s the first Drop of knowledge.
2 – Shetra Bahulya Bhasa , the language your community uses (kannada), in which you learn litreature, Shiva bless those who want to explore.
3- Desha Bahulya Bhasa , language that most people would know in your nation or whole geography where your tribe would have spread (Hindi). In this you take knowledge of Humanity.Sun is the lord here. It’s the back bone of any civilisation. Widespread and undeniable presence over life itself.
4- Vishwa Bahulya Bhasa, the most prevalent language on earth that can be commonly spoken in most nations(English), in this your proficiency makes you an Excellent diplomat. Vishnu – Governs this relam, it helps gathering more knowledge from many sources.
5-Parmatri Bhasha – Mother of all mother tounges , that language which has the Highest common word thesaurus with all the world languages (Samskritam). This languge brings you closer to consciousness, Ganesh bhagavan represents this part. What water is to life on earth , samskritam is to human knowledge system.